photos from:
727 FAA Certification Flight Test /
Research and Development Program
is a drag reduction program for a Boeing 727-100 involving winglets
and wing re-contouring (flap and slat system modifications). Significant
drag reductions were produced, and the program was awarded an FAA STC.
Alligator had responsibility for all aspects of installation of test
equipment and data acquisition for the program, involving 80+ channel
digital, analog, low-speed and high-speed data acquisition. (September
1990 - March 1991)

Boeing 727-200 with
Valsan winglets

Airflow visualization
tufts viewed from chase plane

Inside tufts viewed
from cabin

Nose boom installation
for pitot pressure, static pressure,
angle of attack and angle of side-slip measurement

Strain gauges installed
on horiz. stabilizer spar
for measuring stall buffet effects on horiz. tail

Weighing the Boeing

Weighing kit load

Ground vibration
test (GVT) shaker installation on wing tip

GVT test equipment

Mirror pod for visualization
of horiz. tail buffet. (In an ideal world, we would have installed miniature
external cameras to directly record horiz. tail buffeting. However,
the test requirements were established at the last minute and we came
up with this solution in two hours and got the test data that same day.
The next two photos show further detail of this innovative approach.)

Back side of mirror

Video camera used
for recording horiz. tail buffet via external mirrors

No-cost (borrowed)
floor-dry used to create gross weight conditions

Data system, created
and operated by Alligator for Test Instrumentation, Inc. (circa 1991)

Simulated ice shapes
installed on wing tip and winglet to
demonstrate flight characteristics under icing conditions

Ron co-piloting 727
during winglet test program
to Completed Projects