When you're up to your neck in alligators, it's hard to remember that the initial objective was to drain the swamp! Our alligators are airplanes, and our objectives are airplane modification programs completed successfully. This is the story behind the company name, and also a reminder of why our professional services are so valuable to our clients. Let us drain your swamp, and get those alligators off your back! Founded in 1983 by Ronald R. L. Renz, Alligator, Inc. is a progressive engineering consulting firm specializing in design, modifications, flight testing and certification of aircraft systems and components. The company is centrally located in a modern 12,000 sq. ft. facility on the Lawrence, KS airport (KLWC). Because of the company's extensive experience spanning over 50 projects with over 46 different aircraft types Alligator is uniquely qualified to assist in the engineering, testing or certification of virtually any aviation-related project. We also provide engineering services for non-aviation-related projects, such as testing and expert witness services for litigation support. (For a detailed list of Alligator's completed projects, click here.) Through its project history, Alligator has helped its customers secure over 15 FAA STCs (Supplemental Type Certificates) provided data for over 16 FAA approved Simulator data development and certifications, participated in 2 brand new aircraft development and certification programs, and has made production runs to support several of these programs under our client's PMAs (Parts Manufacturing Approval). Alligator President
and Founder, Ronald R. L. Renz, has a BS in Mechanical Engineering
from the University of Manitoba (1976), and an ME in Aerospace from
the University of Kansas (1981). He is an ATP rated pilot and an Airframe
& Powerplant mechanic. Ron has managed flight test programs or served
as pilot/test pilot for aircraft ranging from the simple singles all
the way up to the Boeing 737, and has 4,000+ hours and 60+ aircraft
types in his logbook. He is type rated in the Hawkers (HS-125), Lear
Jets (LR-Jet) and Boeing 737 (B-737).
Partners & Links
GUT Works, LLC is our sister company, co-habitating the same facility on the Lawrence, KS airport. GUT Works specializes in aircraft builder assistance, modification & repair, avionics installation, ferrying & exporting, and prototyping.
Our local partner DARcorporation provides engineering consulting services in the areas of aircraft configuration design and analysis, stability and control analysis, estimation of airplane models for flight simulators and aircraft technical analysis. Other services include wind tunnel and water tunnel testing and data analysis.
Alligator and GUT Works have a close working relationship with the University of Kansas, the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, and are both members of the Kansas UAV Consortium.