Data Acquisition System
Alligator has a
capable and proven data acquisition system available for flight test
programs. It has been developed over a 23 year period, and is continually
being improved and upgraded. The system is based around a distributed
processing PC-compatible computer architecture. This allows it to be
easily tailored to the varying requirements of any flight test program.
Alligator's data
system meets or exceeds all the FAA requirements for accuracy, data
rate, and parameters capable of being measured. It has been used for
programs to certificate both aircraft and aircraft simulators, as well
as for research and development programs. Calibration is always kept
current and is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST).
Overall capabilities
of our system:
- 96 analog channels
(expandable to 132)
- 16 bit resolution
(1 part in 65535)
- 40 digital input
channels (on-off type)
- 3-D space positioning
and flight guidance
- 5 @ 16 bit counter
timer channels
- 4 ARINC 429 channels
- Up to 100 samples/second
recording rate
- Real-time engineering
units display
- Real-time cockpit
Alligator has tapped
into and recorded virtually every type of parameter that is required
for airplane testing. Some of the more specialized systems that we have
measured are listed below. We have available all of these specialized
systems for use during any flight test program:
- Airflow angles
(angle of attack and sideslip)
- Engine FADEC
computer signals
- Multi-port pressure
scanners for wing pressure survey (Scanivalve)
- Del Norte Distance
Measuring System (provides precise 3-dimensional airplane positioning,
and includes capability to provide flight guidance)
- GPS interfaces
Filtering and signal
conditioning are provided for all channels. The system is easily tailored
to changing requirements, allowing it to be rapidly adapted to the changing
needs of flight testing.